Tuesday, August 14, 2012

An Ancient Urging

A few weeks ago I was driving in the car by myself somewhere (love to drive by myself now that I’m a stay-at-home mama – it just doesn't happen very often and oh, it’s a treat!)…and I was talking to God about something that’s been bothering me.  I was asking God how I can be a better American citizen.  “I want to be God, but I don’t know how to be.”

I am not gun-ho about politics or government or politicians.  Most of the time when I overhear a conversation or watch the news on the world of politics, I am annoyed, confused, ignorant or indifferent to whatever it is.  I am not well educated on many government happenings as I am not an avid news reader/viewer, but to me also (part of the reason for my non-interest) there is a lot of mumbo jumbo talk when often I feel like we’re missing the heart of an issue or what’s really happening (media, don’t you mess with me!)…or we’re being quick to make talk or judgments, quick to become angry on the subject (or person) and not quick to listen to the other or the other side, or sit back and think outside of our normal thinking…though this is not the case for everyone nor every conversation nor every new news on the news.  And I am so thankful for those who model patience and gentleness within their passion and they listen and attempt understanding before they attempt jumping to say what they initially want to say.  I personally have a hard time with this myself, and so for those who don’t walk the walk I often walk, I just want to shake your hand and bake you cookies - thank you!

Okay, so back to this talking to God about what I can do to be a better American citizen.  I want to say that I am a faithful voter at every election.  I try to educate myself as best I can about issues on the ballot and candidates running or re-running, but I want to do more than that.  I want to be ahead of all of that. I don’t want to be told what the issues are or which candidate options I have. I want to have influence more than a check on the ballot. I want to have impact, make impact, see love grow up in our government officials and systems and plans, local and federal….but how? (And oy, the fed is so big and I am so small – how can I have any sort of impact there???)

Sometimes I just want to stick to my little checks on the ballot (Though those checks are so important! A blessed freedom, people!  Ask someone not allowed to vote in their country.)…and stay out of all the political talk that can give me a headache and make me say “blah!” to any engagement or desire to influence or shape government.

But you know what ladies? We’ve got to! We’ve got to lead, we’ve got to have influence. We’ve got to have impact and bring shape to our government.   There are nations of people who live – because of their government - in great oppression, in little freedoms, in little opportunity, in little little of little. There is no “liberty and justice for all”.  That alone is a reason we need to be involved in voting and caring about what our government is doing, the decisions they are making, why they are making them, etc.

So my prayer to God “I want to be, but I don’t know how to be” is the honest truth.  I don’t know where to start. And what did God who has been around forever tell me?  1 Timothy 2, he said.  And there I went. To the Bible. God’s words. And what did I find?? Oh, it’s good. So good. An ancient urging. Please read.

“I urge you, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:1-4

Bam! There it is, ladies. Where we can start and where we can continue…always.  Prayer.  This ancient urging to pray for those in authority. Why do I do it? Because I want people to come to a knowledge of the truth that sets them free.  I want people to come into relationship with Jesus, to get clobbered by his crazy personal love for them.  I believe he is the cry of the human heart, the hope we desire, whether we are aware of him or not, or have faith in him or not.  "God our Savior" isn't a side note. He is Savior! If you have known and have experienced God's rescue then you too also want everyone in the world to know it - to experience his healing, his freedom, his forgiveness, his redemption. If God says praying for those in authority is a way for everyone to know truth then yes - I will do it!  And living lives in peace and quiet in godliness and holiness sounds really nice, as well.  Yes I'll pray for those in authority for that too.

This is where I have been, almost every day since…praying for those in authority, locally and nationally.  And simply by praying for them and bringing them to God through me each day, I’m giving a listening ear to God to speak to me and open opportunities for my prayers to have feet.

To the left of our bathroom mirror I have ticky-tacked to the wall 1 Timothy 2:1-4 and underneath it written “Pray for those in authority today.”  And I’ve been doing it.  And I know my prayers have power.  I know I am having influence.  While I’m brushing my teeth or while I’m putting on makeup or giving my daughter a bath or I’m on the john….I am praying for those in authority…bringing them to the Father – the owner of the Earth and everything in it, asking him to shape their thinking today, to lead their decisions, for them to experience their need of his guidance and help.  Some days a specific petition for someone locally or nationally is on my heart, and I pray.  This is how I am becoming a better American citizen.

I just wanted to pass on to you what I've recently reckoned is an I AM WOMAN trait, and one I want to encourage you in...this ancient urging, 2 Timothy 2:1-4.


  1. I appreciate this post. I have been having lots of walks and talks with God about politics and patience lately. I work in it everyday with my job and get so worked up but it is so silly sometimes. I too will be praying. I totally forget the power of prayer when dealing with this political junk.
